The District operates in the same fiscal year as other governmental entities. The year begins October 1 and ends September 30 the following year. All public records are filed by fiscal year, Resolutions of the Board are numbered by fiscal year, and accounting records are kept by fiscal year.
As a government in the State of Florida, the District follows all Sunshine laws and public records laws. Any member of the public is entitled to review District records upon request. Copies may be made for a fee (as provided in the Adopted Rules of Procedure), or they may be emailed at no charge. The District’s public records are also available for public inspection at the District Office during business hours.
Bay Laurel Center CDD District Office:
Governmental Management Services - Central Florida, LLC
219 E. Livingston Street
Orlando, FL 32801
Phone: 407-841-5524
Fax: 407-839-1526
EIN: 03-0453664
Public Records Links:
Water Quality Reports
2023 Rate Study and Misc. Charge Study Final Report (PDF, 2.8mb)
Uniform Service Policy-(USP) (PDF, 330kb)
Wastewater Pump Specifications(PDF, 942kb)
Uniform Extension Policy-(UEP) (PDF, 396kb)
Adopted Rules of Procedure (PDF, 1.7mb)
Cross Connection Control Program (PDF, 485kb)